Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blog #8

I agree with this I thought this was a free country I would have never thought that the US would target just once race. I am not sure I understand the whole presses all I know is most of my family is Mexican although I am not, and it is not fair to them to be looked down upon. They are just as good and hard working as anyone else. I feel like it is all about stereotype these days. I really wish it was not.

Blog #6

I agree that it is very sad that society has come to this, why we would have to step down and start adding all these things to be safe. I wish we really would all get along. I do believe that adding the metal detesters and x-ray will take away from the peacefulness of the capital. I do believe that most people will stop going as much because of this being added, I like the fact I can go somewhere and not feel like I am being attached in some way because of something someone else did wrong to mess up this country.