Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog Stage 4

This was a very interesting article blog that Debra Medina seems to hit the target of people with her argument talking about 9-11 truthers, and if the government had any part in this. She seems to be talking to the people who have said rumors that she believes the government had a part in blowing up the World Trait Centers. She never states if she really believes in this or not. Which from a person listening to this may just go ahead and assume she believes this to be true? She does say that there are no facts that the government did not take a part therefore stating her claim she does not really have an answer. I never would have thought about this topic I guess because in my world I would like to think the government does no harm. I put my faith in them like I am sure most of us do, in to keep us safe. I do see most of her argument though she does not seem to rush into things not knowing more facts. Glenne Beck did her interview and seems to have the same understanding that I had on her statement. He did a great job with taking in everything she had to say and understanding her tone of voice and outcomes. Glenne seems to get a little upset at her answer because he says that she answers with a vague response. Not really getting to the point and wanting to know more, he seem to have gotten a little upset with her not spilling the beans. As most bloggers would do wanting to know the best answer, and she is holding back.

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